How to activate IPMI License Key SFT-DCMS-SINGLE JSON in Supermicro motherboards with old BMC Web? SUM (Supermicro Update Manager)

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How to activate IPMI license SFT-DCMS-SINGLE JSON license on Supermicro motherboards with old BMC Web?

Use SUM (Supermicro Update Manager), which is a utility for managing the BIOS and BMC of Supermicro systems from the console.

You will find the latest version:

Link to SUM utility for Linux systems (not updated)



# tar -xvf sum_2.13.0_Linux_x86_64_20230825.tar.gz 

[SUM_HOME]# ./sum -i -u ADMIN -p PASSWORD -c ActivateProductKey --key_file mymacs.txt.key

As below:

Watch our video:


Related pages:

  1. How to activate SFT-OOB-LIC? (Please input the correct product key format. Click here to return)
  2. Supermicro Management Software Licenses for IPMI (SFT-OOB-LIC & SFT-DCMS-SINGLE & SFT-SDDC-SINGLE)
  3. BIOS update via UEFI: Build-in UEFI Shell
  4. New unique password for IPMI - BMC Unique Password
  5. What is IPMI?
  6. IPMI Not Detecting Power Supply? Solutions not only for Supermicro H13SSL-N / H13SSL-NT